Eigenvariety for partially classical Hilbert modular forms,
with Mladen Dimitrov,
Derived p-adic heights and the leading coefficient of the Bertolini–Darmon–Prasanna p-adic
with Francesc Castella, Debanjana Kundu, Yu-Shen Lee, and Zheng Liu,
Euler systems for GSp(4) × GL(2),
with Zhaorong Jin and Ryotaro Sakamoto,
submitted as a collection with other papers of Loeffler et al. on GSp(4) × GL(2) and GSp(4) × GL(2) × GL(2),
Ramification of Hilbert eigenvarieties at classical points,
not planned to resubmit for now because of a mistake in applying Poincaré duality to partially switch slopes, (arXiv, Talk Video).
Mock theta functions and related combinatorics,
Cristina Ballantine,
Hannah Burson,
Amanda Folsom,
Isabella Negrini, and
Boya Wen,
Research Directions in Number Theory, Association for Women in Mathematics Series, vol 33. Springer,
(journal, arXiv).
Partial classicality for Hilbert modular forms,
J. Number Theory 241 (2022) 542-562,
(journal, arXiv).
On a partition identity of Lehmer,
Cristina Ballantine,
Hannah Burson,
Amanda Folsom,
Isabella Negrini, and
Boya Wen,
Discrete Math. 345 (2022), no. 10, 26pp.,
(journal, arXiv).
Fourier coefficients of the overconvergent generalized eigenform associated to a CM form,
Int. J. Number Theory 16 (2020), no. 6, 1185-1197,
(journal, arXiv).
Shimura varieties at level Γ1(p∞) and Galois representations,
Ana Caraiani,
Daniel Gulotta,
Chritian Johansson,
Lucia Mocz,
Emanuel Reinecke and
Sheng-Chi Shih,
Compos. Math. 156 (2020), no. 6, 1152-1230,
(journal, arXiv).
Strong edge-coloring for jellyfish graphs,
with Gerard J. Chang, Sheng-Hua Chen, Chia-Man Hung, Huei-Ling Lai,
Discrete Math. 338 (2015), no. 12, 2348-2355,